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Your Summer Concert Survival Kit

Dec 06, 2023

Chicago — The summer of 2023 concert rollout is proving to be more and more stacked with what seems to be a new tour announcement every day. Musical festivals in and out of town and tickets bought in the fall soon will be finally paying off. And as fun as they are, concerts and festivals take work and preparation to go on smoothly, especially those that take place in the summer. If you’ve ever been to a concert in the fall or winter and think you know what's coming, I’m here to tell you that summer concerts are a different beast, entirely.

If you’re new to the game, or even old to it and just searching for some new tips and tricks, then this is the article for you. I’m here to be your prep guru, and as your guru I’ve compiled your very own summer concert survival kit for both indoor and outdoor concerts this summer.

Comfortable shoes (indoor + outdoor)

Okay, I know concerts are half about the music and half about the outfit you show up in. And shoes make an outfit. So I’m not asking you to sacrifice that, but if you want to dance and enjoy yourself in your really cute fit, then you need shoes that won't have you in pain after the first song.

Portable charger (Indoor + outdoor)

Getting caught with a dead phone is like getting caught with your pants down, except much more dangerous. Pack your portable charger, and if you don't have one now, then make sure to purchase one pre-concert.

Cash (outdoor)

I know we’ve all gotten used to digital payment being available, and while it's convenient it won't always be there. Make sure to have cash handy along with your debit card and Apple Pay. Besides that, it also makes it easy to spend less money with only a specific amount of cash in reach.

Deodorant (indoor + outdoor)

I honestly say this one with concern for those around you. Being shoulder-to-shoulder with someone who didn't read this article that told them to bring deodorant is a terrible experience.

Earplugs (indoor)

Tinnitus is a real thing people! You know that warning you get on your phone when your headphones are really loud in your ears and you ignore it? Yeah it's kind of there for a reason.

Bring your own water (Outdoor)

This is purely a money-saving scheme. At festivals, vendors can get away with charging you an absurd amount of money for water because you might just be that thirsty.

Refer to this survival kit as often as needed, and enjoy the concert season!

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This guest post is in partnership with True Star Media.

Your Summer Concert Survival Kit Comfortable shoes (indoor + outdoor) Portable charger (Indoor + outdoor) Cash (outdoor) Deodorant (indoor + outdoor) Earplugs (indoor) Bring your own water (Outdoor) Read more … True Star Media